Helping businesses
create their vision

Product Design Director, consulting for independent clients. London, UK

Animated arrow indicating to scroll down.Animated arrow indicating to scroll down.

Over 12 years experience designing digital products and experiences. Specialising in UX and UI, with in-depth knowledge of brand, strategy and no-code build. Experience working across multiple sectors for a range of brands, leading projects from concept to launch, including my own product.

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Featured Projects - Featured Projects - Featured Projects
Featured Projects - Featured Projects - Featured Projects

the postal industry

Multiple projects looking at how digital can enhance and transform
Belgian’s national postal service, covering brand, design system, web
and app design.

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Secure, insightful

Complete redesign of the pre-paid credit card app offered by bpost,
adding 2-step verification and biometrics for online payments, new
features, UX improvements and UI refresh.

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More immersive

TV and mobile design for a new German VOD service, aiming to push
interaction models and visual design to negate endless scrolling and
adapt to each viewer.

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Reality TV to a
premium offer

Brand refresh and complete redesign of Viacom’s Indian streaming
service, covering all features and epics for multiple TV, responsive web,
iOS and Android platforms.

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Penguin Random House logo.Royal Academy of Arts logo.American Express logo.Verizon logo.Nielsen logo.bpost logo.Univadis logo.Citibank logo.Viacom logo.Voo logo.Joyn logo.Freeview logo.Burberry logoIkea logoa16z andreessen horowitz logoBeam Suntory logoAllianz logoPlainsail logo

“The design output is visually stunning and effectively meets our UX requirements. The project is a world first and we are thrilled to have had such an exceptional design partner working with Freeview."

Elizabeth Ross
CEO Freeview Australia

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